Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So my parents are coming to visit this weekend for Andrew's first birthday.  It should be a fun time.  The best part is that it will force me to clean the house which desperately needs it.  I'm hoping we get a chance to go to IKEA when they're here.  I know my mom would enjoy it (and secretly I'm really craving their daim torte).  It's amazing to me that Andrew is already one.  While at times, it felt like time was crawling, for the most part, it's gone by really fast.  We're now getting into my favorite stage; one to two.  Old enough to understand and communicate, but young enough not to talk back.  Perfect.

Nick is still plowing through kindergarten like a bull in a china shop.  I got a call from his teacher on Monday once again relaying her concern for him.  While I appreciate that he is not being "left behind", I'm frustrated that there seems to be a lot of, for lack of a better term, complaining, but not a lot of resolutions as to how to fix the problems.  We are into week two of the tutor (he meets up with her again tomorrow) so hopefully that will help a bit.  The teacher did insinuate on the phone however, that she thinks Nicholas has ADD.  While I'm not ruling it out, I can't say that I'm convinced either.  While it's true that he does have a difficult time focusing on his schoolwork, he has no problem focusing on tasks that he enjoys such as puzzles and legos.  Maybe there's a selective ability to turn it on when you want to?  I don't know, but if so, that seems more behavioral than medical to me.  Honestly, at this point I'm wishing I had wrote the letter to the school talking about the type of teacher that would work best for Nicholas.  You better believe I'll be writing that letter for first grade.  To me, it really seems that while Nicholas' kindergarten teacher is good at what she does, she's not a "good" fit for my son.

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