Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Morning Monday

Poor Andrew is sick.  He has a fever and has just been irritable in general.  Yesterday he was probably up for a total of 3 hours and did nothing much except nurse.  I expected a rough night but bless his heart, despite all that, he still slept through the night for me and is sleeping as we speak.  I'm hoping he's feeling a bit better today as the doctor's office is not really what I want to do today (As though the grocery store is that much more exciting).  I can't believe he's going to be one in less than two weeks.  The time just seems to have gone so fast!  He is such a sweet and easy baby.  I can't imagine him not being with us. 

Scott just sent me pictures of his parents home in Delaware with their new snow.  What a winter this has been for snow!  My Aunt and grandparents dug out of five feet (yes I said five) of snow just a few weeks ago and now DC and Delaware is hit with close to 30 inches.  El Nino is definitely making himself known.  We've only had one storm that resulted in snow down here and it was fairly puny, but it let us get some sledding in so we'll take it.  Now that I have a child in the public school system, snow days aren't my friend as much as they used to be.  Nick had a snow day last week and now he needs to go to school on Presidents Day.  It's a bit of a bummer because everyone else including Scott has off that day and we had planned on doing something as a family. Well, we'll see.  There may still be a mysterious cold that shows up that day. :)~ 

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