Sunday, February 7, 2010

Infant botulism, lent, and other oddities

The sun is out this morning for the first time in what feels like weeks and it just puts a smile on my face.  I am so through with the winter and can't wait for the promise of warmer weather and more time spent outdoors.  I suppose that dream will have to wait a few more weeks though as we are expected to get freezing rain and snow on Tuesday. 

Anyway, on to the topics of the day.  First up, infant botulism.  Have I got your attention yet?  No, I don't think we have it, but of course I had to wonder a few minutes.  Andrew woke up at 4:30am this morning crying and we couldn't get him back down no matter what we did.  He finally fell asleep again about 20 minutes ago.  I have no idea what's wrong; there's no temperature, no rash, no nothing.  So of course I flash back to a couple days ago when I accidentally gave him a bite of my homemade bread with some honey butter on it.  Yes, call me a bad mom, I gave my child honey before he was one.  Once I read the symptoms of botulism though, I realized that is most likely NOT what it is.  Why do we moms do that to ourselves?  We instantly drop the guilt on ourselves.  You'd think after raising kids for almost 6 years now I would learn a bit more.  I'm still not sure what it is, but at least he's sleeping for the moment.

Lent is coming up and it's time to figure out what to give up for the next six weeks.  Scott and I gave up alcohol and dessert one year and, needless to say, we were two very cranky people by the time it was all over.  So this year, I'm going to do something a bit different.  I'm giving up the internet games that I play.  I spend way too much time on them as it is, and hopefully taking six weeks off from them will not only break my habit to them, but also help me to get a lot more stuff done in my life.  Now if my mother in law would just give up smoking for Lent.....

Finally, we survived the birthday party and had a really good time.  Eight kids were there including my oldest two and everyone seemed to have fun bowling.  The cake was delish, the cookies were delish, and the t-shirts were a hit.  Now on to Andrew's party in two weeks.  That one should be a bit calmer as he'll be the big 0-1. 

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