Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Seinfeld, no, supper club, no Seinfeld

Oh my Gosh.  So we decided to join our neighborhood supper club since we were having trouble finding couples to get together with on our own.  Wouldn't you know we'd be the youngest couple by at least 20 years.  I just had this feeling when I was signing up that we might encounter something like this.  But when I asked the coordinator about it, she said you get what you get and make it work.  And in fairness, I will say the couples are very nice. But they are in a completely different place from us.  The youngest couple has a senior in college and the oldest?  Well, let's just say they rival my parents and leave it at that.  One of the guys is so out there, that it doesn't matter what you're talking about, he'll just bring up another story completely unrelated.  Like the time he fooled a realtor by making his own railroad crossing sign and putting it up in the neighborhood. Huh?  The upside is that I can't knock the food.  It was all delicious.  Wouldn't you know, we're locked into this for a year.  Next meetup is in April.  Seinfeld here we come. ;)


  1. Totally had to stop in after your visit to my blog. Your boys are so handsome! I love Seinfeld and I could completely see the look on your faces when you arrived surrounded by a graveyard, lol!! If you lived by me, my husband and I would totally have dinner with you two. Just sayin'!

  2. thanks Pamela! I appreciate you stopping by! When's dinner, we'll be there! :)
