Thursday, March 18, 2010


OMG.  If one more kid pukes in this house I think I'll just launch myself out the door, still in my pj's and scream bloody murder while running full bore down the lane never looking back.  

Andrew, my youngest, started the puking spree in the wee hours of Saturday night (why must sickness always occur when there are no medical professionals available within a 48 hour radius?) and is still going strong as we speak.  There's something almost maddening about making the effort to nurse a child, only to set him up on your lap when he's finished and watch him immediately proceed to projectile vomit all that hard made milk across the floor and your clothing  (and your hair, and your furniture, but hey, who's keeping tabs?)Yesterday, it was across the back of the car when he decided to eject his breakfast while strapped into the car seat.  I am so looking forward to the fun job of cleaning that up today.  And now I woke up to my 5 year old having thrown up this morning (at least he made it to the bathroom), so we have a full house of sickos today.  Bring on the insanity.

Ok, I realize I sound just a wee bit cynical and I apologize for that.  I think it's just that after being holed up in the house with the five and under sick crowd for multiple days on end, you just need to spit the words out to enable yourself to get through the impending day.   See, I'm feeling better already.  Love you boys!  Now off to play nursemaid.

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