Friday, January 1, 2010

Winding down

It looks like we're going to survive Christmas and New Years.  We just got home today from a fun two days in Wintergreen with the clan.  There were eight kids and six parents.  And despite being outnumbered, things went pretty smooth.  The kids all had fun together as did the adults.  There was a good amount of snow on the ground which both Alex and Nicholas were excited about.  Nick went sledding on Thursday and had a fun time.  The best part of the whole thing for both boys was their new boots.  We didn't think we'd be able to find any, but I ended up scoring a couple pairs last minute at a local consignment shop.  Andrew was his joyful self as usual.  He had a rough night the first night, but made up for it the following night when he only woke up once. 

Now we have two more glorious days of vacation to recuperate before heading back to the grindstone.  Tomorrow we are moving the bottom bunk into the sewing room for Alex.  He is going to share the bedroom with me; half for him to sleep and half for me to have as a sewing room.  He'll still have all his "things" in the other bedroom; he'll just sleep in the sewing room.

I was trying to think of a resolution for New Years as we were driving home today.  I'm still not sure about a definitive one, but I do know that I want to resolve to extend myself more outside the neighborhood.  I'm starting to do this by joining the MOMS ministry at our church.  I'm hoping that it will help me to meet a few more people that aren't in the cocoon of Providence Plantation.  I'd still love to find more people that are interested in starting a gourmet club here.  I think it's going to be easier said than done.  We really had a unique and wonderful group for that back in Texas.  I also want to do some more small things to our home.  I'd like to change out the door knobs slowly this year, maybe paint the bathroom; well both bathrooms and perhaps change out the light fixture in the boys bathroom.  Not very exciting I know, but it's a start. 

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