Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ack.  I am so frustrated with Nicholas and kindergarten.  He just can't seem to get focused no matter what I try.  His teacher is on him like no one's business.  I get an email at least twice a week, sometimes more, talking about all his problems and how he's behind in school.  Sometimes I feel like she doesn't like him and picks on him more than she should.  I always thought he was so smart; now I'm starting to wonder if maybe something's wrong like ADD.  I'm not sure what to do to fix it any more.  One word sums it up; frustration.


  1. Julie, please have faith in your boy! You know he is bright and energetic - just forget about the teacher. He will learn to read and write in his own time and settle in to school. Kindergarten is the hardest for many kids and it doesn't mean anything. I have seen it with my son and now my daughter. The teachers will push but our job is to just love our kids and tell them how great they are. School has really changed since we were in it!

  2. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement! We are trudging on. I am in the process of setting up a tutor for him. Hopefully it will help a bit. I'm sure you'll see more updates regarding this. :)
