Friday, January 22, 2010

For the love of food

Or the lack there of as my five year old would be quick to point out in his not so subtle ways.  Dealing with a picky eater is definitely not what I signed on for when I decided to have children.  My husband and I love food; all food.  Heck, trying new foods is one of my favorite pastimes.  It's a wonder I don't weigh a thousand pounds.  Alex is following in our footsteps with food.  He's not as adventurous as we are, but what three year old is?  He tries most everything and that's the best I can ask for.  Andrew is a bit too small to have an opinion yet.  He tries everything, but somethings do pop back out I will admit. 

Nicholas though, has recently developed a knack for saying Yuck and Disgusting, before he even knows what something is.  You just say, for example, we're having hashbrown potatoes and before I even get through saying it he declaring, "disgusting!"  "You don't even know what's in it", I tell him.  To which he replies some mumbo jumbo about how he's had them before and didn't like them then.  To which you reply that's impossible because you've never made this recipe before today.  He sits at his chair pushing the plate at you like if it gets to close to him, it may actually jump out and bite him.  I finally find myself losing my patience and telling him he can't have any more smoothie unless he tries a bite of his potatoes.  He finally breaks down and tries a piece.  And wouldn't you know it, Mikie likes it!  I believe his explanation was that his tongue changed from the last time he tried it and now it's good. *roll eyes*.  Hopefully this is just a phase, because it's never easy to hear that all your hard work is disgusting and yucky.

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